

Jan 11, 2024

NHC students participate in Feed the Need

Students, young and older, at North Hardin Classical School came together for the third year in a row in the name of feeding the need.

The Feed the Need event took place Friday in the gymnasium of the school in Radcliff. Each year, the school takes five weeks to raise money for this campaign which helps to cover tuition gaps and to purchase items for the school.

Since its introduction, the school has worked with The Champion Group for Feed the Need, an organization that conducts fundraisers of this type. Around 10% of the money raised goes toward Feed the Need.

Josh Hardin, spiritual life administrator for the school, said they had a goal this year to raise $105,000. So far, they’ve raised $121,000. Last year, they raised $108,000.

He said the goal was kept at $105,000 since they felt the past year has been difficult for everyone financially. However, donations have coming in, including a $14,000 anonymous contribution.

He said for this year's campaign, they were able to kick it off at a few local churches and actually talk to church members about the project.

Students takes turns working in the gymnasium by filling bags with rice, soy, vegetable and chicken broth. Each contains about six meals for one child, and 40 of those bags are packed into one box. Hardin said their goal was to put together 10,000 meals for orphanages in Haiti.

Also, $5,000 of the money raised this year will go toward The Covenant Schools in Nashville, where a mass shooting occurred Monday.

Hardin said one aspect of the project that's important is allowing students from all grade levels to work together.

NHC senior Sophia Nordyke said this aspect of the project really does add to the effectiveness of it.

"I think it is something that we can all come together as a school," Nordyke said.

NHC senior Kushaiah Riis said she began her education at the school a few years ago. At first, she said she found it chaotic but appreciated the project and its goal of reaching out to others.

"I get to make a difference," Riis said.

Andrew Harp can be reached at 270-505-1414 or [email protected].

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