

Nov 28, 2023

Humiliation for Lorna Slater as she scraps controversial deposit return scheme

The Scottish Greens minister confirmed that the recycling initiative will now not go ahead at all, and the Scottish Government will wait for the UK-wide scheme.

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Lorna Slater and Humza Yousaf have been left humiliated after axing their controversial deposit return scheme following an intervention by the UK Government. It will now not go ahead until October 2025.

The Scottish Greens minister has spent months claiming that it would "definitely" go ahead, first in August 2023, and latterly March 2024. But now she has admitted that it has been completely scrapped.

During a ministerial statement at Holyrood she accused the UK Government of "sabotaging" the project as she hit out at them interfering with Scotland's initiative. And she blamed "England" for "stepping out of line" over its block on glass bottles.

She said: "The UK Government decision: Excludes glass from Scotland's DRS at the 11th hour, contrary to the will of the Scottish Parliament and the all-UK basis on which we planned.

READ MORE: Lorna Slater's deposit return scheme could lead to civil unrest, three-hour queues and £40 a week increase in food bills

"{IT} Changes the playing field for non-glass drinks producers. Creates massive new uncertainty for business with conditions for interoperability with schemes in the rest of the UK which have not even been legislated for and even then may not be clear.

"I told Parliament yesterday that our scheme cannot proceed as planned. The refusal of the UK Government alone to budge on glass makes that obvious. As of today, it is now clear that we have been left with no other option than to delay the launch of Scotland's DRS, until October 2025 at the earliest based on the UK Government's current stated aspirations

"I remain committed to interoperable DRS schemes across the UK provided that we can work in a spirit of collaboration not imposition. I wrote again last night to the UK Government, to urge ministers to reset a climate of trust and good faith to galvanise and retain the knowledge that has been built in Circularity Scotland and DRS partners in Scotland."

But she was accused of trying to cover up the fact that the "scheme had already failed long before any intervention from the UK Government." Scottish Tory MSP Maurice Golden added: "Nevertheless, this is an attempt to salvage something from the wreckage of a disaster scheme.

"Just days ago, the minister and First Minister was undertaking reckless scare monger, threatening the scrap the scheme if was glass wasn't included. They tried the old nationalist trick of picking a fight with the UK Government but it backfired.

"They were rumbled misrepresenting one of Scotland's leading drinks producers, then Circularity Scotland and their logistics partner both confirmed the scheme can go ahead without glass. The fact remains that just days ago, the SNP/Greens were ready to abandon deposit return."

Scottish Labour's Sarah Boyack called on Ms Slater to be sacked as minister responsible for the initiative due to how she has mishandled it. She added: "Lorna Slater has lost the confidence of businesses and proven herself to be a liability – she must now have her DRS responsibilities removed. Both governments need to get round the table and come up with a way forward so we can boost Scotland's recycling rates and protect our planet without further delay."

Businesses across Scotland have already invested millions of pounds into infrastructure ahead of the launch date and could seek legal action against the government. We previously told they could be liable for about £500,000 worth of compensation.

Ms Slater was asked if they had taken legal advice over this cancellation and admitted that they had taken "a variety" of advice before deciding whether to scrap it. She added: "We thanks very much all those businesses who have made this investment in good faith. And we look forward to working towards launching Scotland's deposit return scheme so that those investments can be put to good use."

Scotland Secretary Alister Jack welcomed the decision to scrap the scheme. He said: "I welcome the announcement from the Scottish Government that they are to pause their deposit return scheme so that it starts at the same time as the UK Government's scheme, and also their commitment to interoperability.

"Deposit Return Schemes need to be consistent across the whole of the UK, to provide a simple and effective system for businesses and consumers. We will continue to work with the Scottish Government, and the other devolved administrations, on a UK-wide deposit return solution. The UK Government remains unwavering in its commitment to improving the environment, while also upholding the UK's internal market."

It is understood that the UK Government is rejecting claims that they sabotaged the scheme, saying "nothing could be further from the truth". They say they did respond to Ms Slater's official request for a UK Internal Market Exemption at the end of May, after receiving it on March 6. They described their requests as "pragmatic" and an attempt to "salvage" it.

Circularity Scotland, the industry-led organisation set up by the Scottish Government to run the initiative, were critical of the decision to delay the scheme. Chief Executive David Harris said: "We have made it clear that industry was prepared for the Deposit Return Scheme to go live in March 2024 and that a scheme without glass is both economically viable and is an opportunity for Scotland to provide a platform for a UK-wide DRS."

It was also welcomed by industry leaders. UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson said: "Hospitality businesses across Scotland will be breathing a huge sigh of relief hearing this news and I’m delighted that the concerns raised by UKHospitality Scotland have been heard loud and clear."

The Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) Scotland Policy Chair, Andrew McRae, added: "Today's announcement is the final admission that Scotland's Deposit Return Scheme has met its inevitable demise. The delay until a UK-wide scheme has taken shape will give much-needed breathing space for the small producers and retailers who have spent months wrestling with the implications of DRS for their operations."

Ewan MacDonald-Russell, Deputy Head of the Scottish Retail Consortium, said: "Lessons must be learned from this sorry DRS saga. In the longer term this announcement provides an opportunity for the four home nations of the UK to come together to develop a comprehensive delivery plan, focused on consumers, based on delivering a coherent, comprehensive, clear, and cost-effective deposit return scheme which can increase recycling and move to a more circular economy."

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